
New members

Canterbury Chamber Choir welcomes new members to fill vacancies when they arise.

If you are interested in joining the choir, please contact our membership secretaryat the email address below and tell us a bit about your singing experience and why you would like to join the choir.

Applicants, who should be experienced singers and competent sight readers, will be invited to have a
conversation with the Music Director and to attend two rehearsals in order to help determine if they and the choir are a good fit.

If you would like to join our choir please contact our membership secretary  Lisa Johnson .at: Enquire about membership


Young singers

Canterbury Chamber Choir activly supports young singers by providing oportunities to sing with the choir for students who are wanting to develop their singing further.  If you are a young singer with a passion for music and a desire to sing with an established choir please contact our mambership secretary  Lisa Johnson for a chat at: Enquire about youth programme