Edward Kemp-Luck
Edward Kemp-Luck is a distinguished accompanist and organist who has worked with the Canterbury Chamber Choir since the group’s inception. His ability to seamlessly transition between piano and organ during performances has been particularly noted. In addition to his role with the Canterbury Chamber Choir, Edward is actively involved with other local choirs in and around London. He occasionally conducts and regularly acts as a rehearsal pianist, and has accompanied choir performances at the Presteigne Festival and on tour in Cork, Barcelona, Budapest, Salzburg, Seville and Paris.
Edward began his organ studies at Dovercourt, near Harwich in Essex, and then trained with Harrison Oxley at St Edmundsbury Cathedral. He was an organ scholar at The Queen’s College, Oxford, under James Dalton and subsequently gained his FRCO while studying with Catherine Ennis at St Lawrence Jewry.
He won the Walford Davies organ prize at the Royal College of Music while he was organist of St John Notting Hill, and studied historic organ performance practice in Holland with Jacques van Oortmerssen supported by a scholarship from the Rotary Foundation, before taking the post of organist at St Mary Paddington Green. He is now a freelance organist in east and north London.
Recital venues have included St Paul’s, Southwark and Liverpool Anglican Cathedrals, Bourges Cathedral, St Nikolai Kirche Stralsund, St Nikolaas Basilica Amsterdam, St Lawrence Jewry, St John Upper Norwood, Reading Town Hall, St Matthew’s Westminster and Union Chapel Highbury.